Primal Wrath is a competitive raiding guild on Westfall-US, Alliance side.
Primal Wrath dates back to early days in Classic Vanilla, and cleared all Vanilla content through Naxxramas. We were on track to kill all content in TBC, until our original server (Mankrik) lost too much alliance population to remain viable. Most of us moved to Westfall and found new homes for awhile. As we got closer to Wrath’s release, we decided to reform on Westfall under the new name “Primal Wrath” (Primal was taken, damn it!)
We focus on clearing content efficiently while having fun doing it. We encourage banter and chat, but we also expect our raiders to focus and get stuff done. We don’t hold ourselves to a “server 1st” elitism level guild, but we do expect our raiders to be competent in their roles and to come prepared (gems, enchants, glyphs, consumables) for raids as we aim for Heroic 25 Player difficulty completion, with achievements for those awesome 310% speed mounts.
Primal Wrath 目前不招募。
Primal Wrath 招聘什么活动?
Primal Wrath 主要使用什么语言?