Healers - We are looking for a Disc priest and another healer with DPS OS
DPS - Ideally a Demo lock/Arms warrior/Rogue
Firelands ~ 7/7 N ~ 7/7 HC
TOTFW 10 ~ 2/2 NM ~ 2/2 HC
BOT 10 ~ 4/4 NM ~ 3/5 HC
BWD 10 ~ 6/6 NM ~ 5/6 HC
Raid Days ~ Wednesday and Monday Raid Times ~ 20.00 - 23.00 (Server Time)
Are you looking for a chilled raid atmosphere? Somewhere you can have a laugh whilst raiding and still clearing content at a high level? Then join Crusaders and put the fun back in your raiding!
The core of the team have been raiding through Cata and the team has grown along with its ambitions, but the one constant has been to keep a nice chilled raid atmosphere, no raging or flaming others if they make a mistake, helping your guildies when you can and keeping that team mentality. We also understand that real life can get in the way sometimes, it’s part of life and we’re able to be flexible around that for when RL comes a’knockin! These ideals have made crusaders a fantastic team to be part of, and a great new home for like minded people to join!
Our goal is to clear all content on Heroic Difficulty & having a laugh whilst we do it
For our Loot System, MS(BiS)>MS>OS with +1, which so far has been very well received by our raiders, and has created a transparent and fair loot system. For consideration of MS(BiS), we may use some light loot council, especially at the start of the raiding phase, to prioritise tank and healer gear.
Although these are the classes we are primarily looking for, All classes & specs will be considered if it is really a good fit!
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