We are no longer raiding!
<The Exiled> is a 2-day pr. week 10-man raiding guild. We consist of players from all over Europe in different age-ranges. We are looking for experienced and capable players for Cata. We believe that we have a solid foundation, schedule and rules that we do not deviate from.
Cata Progress:
BoT: 3/5 HC ---
BWD: 5/6 HC ---
TotFW: 2/2 HC
What we offer:
- Decent progression on a 2-day schedule.
- No raiding overtime or additional mandatory raid nights.
- A relaxed atmosphere, even though we maintain a high level.
- A fair and objective Loot Council.
What we are looking for in raiders:
- High attendance and general reliability.
- The ability to be flexible around you class' specs.
- Being able to communicate vocally and effectively is key. Having a working mic is required.
- The right mentality. Be on time, use the right consumables.
- We are looking for people who learn quickly; do not repeat the same mistakes over and over.
- We maintain a healthy roster. For this reason you have to accept being benched on rare occasions.
Raid times:
Wednesday: 20.30 - 23.30 ST
Sunday: 20.30 - 23.30 ST
For more information please visit our discord: https://discord.gg/eahpsCBVJQ or contact any Officer in-game.