Exile is a semi-hardcore guild, we transferred from Zandalar Tribe 16.02.22 You can check our old rankings here https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/rankings/586470/1011
We have moved to Firemaw (team blue) https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/737256 and Gehennas horde (team red) - guild link https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/737260
We are running 2 raid teams:
We are always looking for great players for our community :)
Contact our officers via discord tags or by ingame name:
lightman_666 / Hamach (GM) coil8153 / Scrêx (Team Red) fufina / Fuff (Team Blue) adzee7953 / Adzee (Team Red)
Exile 目前不招募。
团队副本, 地下城, 社交
Exile 招聘什么活动?
Exile 主要使用什么语言?