About Us:
We have a fun and organized raid environment, aiming to clear raids effectively while having a good time!
We are doing try-outs for the final spots in our core 25-man raid team for Sunwell Plateau! Come hang out and see if the fit is right for you!
Loot System:
We have a transparent loot council with rotating core-raiders. We use the following criteria to decide priority (in order of importance):
Raid importance: Gearing up a certain person in order to optimize progression.
Attendance: An item is of no help to the raid team if the person who receives it doesn't show up.
Attitude = Effort: Both of these are equally important as they show which people are putting in more work into raiding than others and directly correlate to the trust that we have in them.
Performance: How well you play your class and perform raid mechanics.
Contact Information:
Please feel free to reach out if you're interested in joining or if you have any questions!
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