hey currently runs one raid team, and one GDKP. We're a pretty laid back group of gamers who enjoy trying to be one of the top guilds on the server in a chill atmosphere. We expect everyone to try their best and try to improve each week by looking at logs, watching streams, asking for feedback, etc. Below are some of our accomplishments or 'bragging rights':
Fri/Sat 10:30PM PST (main raid days), Possibly Sunday 10:30PM PST (for prog)
We are currently not recruiting however, all exceptional players are welcome to reach out to Kimbosauce or Nety on Discord if you have any questions, or are interested in joining! Once we are recruiting again we will update our Application link, ty!
Focus and Pump
Please reach out to Kimbop(GM) or Nety(co-GM) on Discord (Kimbosauce or Nety Discord ID's) if you have any questions or are interested in joining us!
hey 目前不招募。
hey 招聘什么活动?
hey 主要使用什么语言?