i wanna die's core and guild leadership are a reformed combination of two guilds clean and Nope from Whitemane. We transferred to Benediction Alliance during p3 of TBC, to Eranikus Alliance during the WotLK launch queues, and now we've returned to Whitemane as Horde. The current roster is composed of raiders with both classic and retail experience that understand what is required in order to compete and perform at a high level. Many raiders have achieved rank 1 parses and enjoy playing the game inside and outside of the raid environment.
Our raiding environment strives for boss execution and kill times in order to allow our raiders to compete for top parses while on farm. Expect to be one night clearing quickly. We do not require splits, and alts are encouraged to participate in GDKP activities run on the side (Clean GDKP on Benediction was the 3rd fastest SWP GDKP on bene during phase 5 and Nope leadership hosted 2-3 competitive weekly runs throughout the phase).
If you are interested, feel free to reach out for a conversation on why you think we are the right fit for you.
Please note that anyone with an exceptional history of raiding may be considered regardless of class.
Chowza86, empty#0404
i wanna die 目前不招募。
i wanna die 招聘什么活动?
i wanna die 主要使用什么语言?